A 24/7 online experiment featuring a brand new car and a grand piano, aiming to convince skeptical drivers that accidents can happen to anyone, at anytime, caused by a number of factors.
Many drivers in Russia don’t make insurance because they believe nothing wrong will happen if they drive carefully. But they forget that accidents depend on external factors, like the weather and other drivers’ behaviors for instance.
To convince skeptical drivers that accidents are beyond our control, we created a 24/7 digital experiment called Car vs Piano. Inside a garage in Moscow, we placed a Grand Piano above a brand new car. The Piano was hanged by 9 ropes. Twice a day, random external factors would determine if we would cut one of the ropes or not. For instance, if the oil prices dropped that day, we would cut a rope. If not, it would remain intact. Another rope was supposed to be cut if the Chelsea won the Champions League game against Barcelona, that took place that day. During a week, we had totally random factors that would determine if the car would remain intact by the end of the experiment.
Cannes Lions / One Show / FWA / Art Directors Club / Eurobest / Epica / Caples / Golden Drum / AD STARS / Idea
KIAF / Golden Hammer / Red Apple / MixxAwards / White Square

Cannes Lions - Bronze/Cyber
Cannes Lions - Shortlist/Promo
Epica - Bronze/Interactive
Eurobest - Shortlist/Interactive
ADC*E - Gold/Interactive
FWA - Shortlist/Interactive
One Show - Merit/Interactive (x3)
Golden Drum - Silver/Digital Campaign
Golden Drum - Shortlist/Digital
Golden Drum - Shortlist/Innovative Campaign
MixxAwards - Gold/Interactive
Caples Awards - Silver/Digital
Caples Awards - Shortlist/Digital
Red Apple - Gold/Internet Campaigns
Red Apple - Silver/Internet Campaigns
Red Apple - Shortlist/Promo
Red Apple - Shortlist/Media
Red Apple - Shortlist/Interactive Tools (x4)
ADCR - Silver/Interactive
Golden Hammer - Shortlist/Interactive
Golden Hammer - Shortlist/Media
KIAF - Gold/Interactive
Ad Stars - Crystal/Interactive
Ad Stars - Crystal/Media
Idea - Gold/Interactive
Idea - Silver/Interactive
Idea - Silver/Media
White Square - Gold/Interactive
White Square - Silver/Innovation
White Square - Bronze/Media
Intouch Insurance (RSA group) / 2012
Creative Direction
Art direction
Production supervision